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Parent and Student Handbook


FFHE Statement of Faith

Families First Home Educators (FFHE) is an inclusive, Christian group with a non-denominational statement of faith.  Home educators with differing philosophies of faith are welcome to join as long as they respect our statement of faith and do not violate the code of conduct while participating in group activities.

1. We believe the Bible to be the inspired, authoritative Word of God. (II Tim. 3:16, II Pet. 1:21)

2. We believe that there is one God, eternally existent in three persons: Father, Son, Holy Spirit.  Jesus is co-equal and co-eternal with God the Father. (Gen. 1:1; John 10:30, 37-38)

3. We believe in the virgin birth, sinless life, and vicarious and atoning death of Jesus Christ.  We believe in His literal bodily resurrection and ascension. We believe He is now seated on the right hand of God the Father, where He constantly makes intercession for His followers.  We believe in His imminent, literal, personal, public, powerful return, at which time He will judge the world according to righteousness. (Is. 7:14; Matt. 1:23; Luke 1:35; John 2:11, 11:35; Acts 1:11; Col. 1:14; Heb. 4:15, 7:25; Rev. 19:11-16)

4. We believe that man is sinful by nature and that regeneration by the Holy Spirit is an absolute necessity for his salvation, which is initiated and accomplished by grace through faith in Jesus Christ. (Rom. 3:19, 23; John 3:16, 5:24; Eph. 2:8-9; Titus 3:5-6)

5. We believe in the resurrection of both the saved and the lost; those who are saved unto life and those who are lost unto eternal damnation. (John 5:28-29)



Purpose of FFHE

Families First Home Educators was organized many years ago as a Christian organization and support group for families wishing to homeschool their children. Over the years, the group has increased in numbers along with its services and activities.

Families First Home Educators will:

  • Function as a Christian organization that does not promote a specific Christian denomination or doctrine.

  • Encourage mutual support and fellowship among home educators.

  • Encourage social and educational group activities to further develop interpersonal skills of our children.

  • Expand educational opportunities through creative thought and research.

  • Share resources, ideas and new curriculum.

  • Promote the concept of home education within the community by setting good examples through our behavior and speech at all times.

  • Provide prospective home educators with information and encouragement.

  • Provide legislative information on the local, state, and national levels on issues that affect the homeschool family.

FFHE’s Definition of Homeschooling


We define home education as parent-directed, home-based, privately-funded education.  It is important that we limit our members to those who meet this definition. (Please note this definition excludes all public and virtual public schools.)


Member and Non-member Participation


Member participation means that you acknowledge that your child does meet FFHE’s criteria for home educating and is a full time PreK-12 student.


Non-member participation means that you acknowledge that your child does not meet FFHE’s criteria for home educating but is a full time PreK-12 student.


To participate in any FFHE programs, the student MUST BE registered with FFHE and have designated whether he or she is a member or a non-member.  Non-member participation means that the child can participate in FFHE activities (unless otherwise specified per activity).


In order to vote and/or serve on the Steering Committee, parents must have at least one child who is a member.


The annual fee for all participating families in FFHE is $30.  If you need financial assistance for this fee, FFHE has scholarships available.  

We pray that your membership with FFHE is a blessing for your family as you participate in the events we offer (physical education activities, field trips, parties, Moms’ Nights Out, sport teams, workshops and more).  You can do as many or as little of FFHE events/activities as your family is able to. You will receive email or snail mail updates with all the upcoming activities and events.


FFHE Contact Information





Changes to the FFHE Handbook


Any proposed changes to the FFHE handbook will be presented by the FFHE Steering Committee to the members of the association via email. The members will have one week to review and comment on the proposed changes. Comments will be reviewed and considered until a final proposal is reached. That proposal will then be submitted to the members of the association for a vote. The decision of the vote will be determined by a simple majority.


FFHE Steering Committee

The FFHE Committee was formed to plan and facilitate group meetings and work out any issues that might arise within the group. The Committee is made up of three couples that are members of the group.  Each couple will serve on the committee for three years, with a new couple chosen each year. The couple may volunteer and/or be nominated for this committee. Willing parties will then be voted upon by the group. We encourage any couple who wishes to be considered for the Steering Committee to give it much thought and prayer. It can be a rewarding, as well as challenging experience.  Potential Steering Committee members must have at least one child who is a full participating member.



Communication Policy

Communication to FFHE members will occur primarily through email and posted updates to the FFHE Facebook page.  Our FFHE website will not contain recent updates; the information on it is static, and serves as a “billboard” for people seeking to connect with a homeschooling group.  Registration can be completed online or by submitting the registration page attached to the end of this handbook. We hope to do most of our communication online as this is the most efficient means of distributing information to our participants.  Participants should commit to regularly checking the email address they submit on the registration form, as well as the FFHE Facebook page to ensure that important information is not missed. Exceptions can be made for families who do not have computer access; please speak with a member of the leadership team.  


Illness Policy

FFHE holds the safety and well-being of its members as a primary concern.  All participants to any activities should be free from fever and/or vomiting for 24 hours prior to attending.  In the event that a child becomes ill while at an activity, the parent on-site will assume responsibility for his or her care.



Weather Policy

In the event of inclement weather on a scheduled activity day, any cancellation announcements will be decided by the person(s) in charge of the event.  It will be the responsibility of the event host(s) to make the decision (to cancel or proceed). If the decision is to cancel, it is the responsibility of the host to post this information on the FFHE Facebook page or to contact the Steering Committee members, who can then post it for you.  It will also be necessary to send out an email to the group through the FFHE email contact in order to let those who do not have Facebook access know. It will be the responsibility of the parent to check these resources (FFHE Facebook and/or FFHE email).



Code of Conduct

All FFHE participants must agree to abide by the code of conduct:


1. Participants will strive to promote unity within the group through word and deed and will conduct all activities with honesty, integrity, compassion and love.


2. Participants will promote a high standard of home education both within and outside the group, bearing in mind that we are representatives of homeschool families everywhere.


3. Participants will be faithful and prompt in payment of dues and other occasional fees.


4. Children must be supervised by an adult at all times.  Parents are solely responsible for their own safety and that of their children when attending group activities.  Parents are encouraged to accompany their children to group activities. No parent will drop off their children at an activity without prearranging another adult or family to supervise and be responsible for their children.  When children of driving age attend activities alone or with younger siblings, parents must remember that their older child is the one responsible for those they bring.


5. Parents will commit to helping their children grow in Christian character and will address any inappropriate behavior promptly, therefore avoiding a group issue that could result in loss of privileges within the group or for the group at a given location or activity.


6. Participants will work together to ensure that the facilities remain clean and orderly, as well as observe and follow all rules and policies of any given facility where activities are held.


7. Families are encouraged to bring family members and friends to activities.


8. Each family is strongly encouraged to help with the planning of field trips, parties, programs and other activities. Parental participation is the foundation of our group.  The more ideas we have, the more fun and educational the activities will be for all.


9. Participants will keep the FFHE Membership Directory and any member’s personal information confidential.  Any directories published are intended for FFHE members’ use only.


10. Use of tobacco or alcoholic beverages at any time during group activities will not be permitted.


11. Participants will use appropriate language. No profanity will be tolerated.


12. Participants will work together to ensure the safety of all members.  This includes ensuring appropriate supervision is present during free-play times as well.


13. All adults and children should be appropriately and modestly dressed at all activities.  As a group, we will look to the Bible as our standard and guide. We are all created in God’s Image and led by His Spirit to glorify Him in our appearance.  It is not our intent to police or condemn a member’s style of dress. We only wish to follow in the direction of modest dress to encourage a healthy learning and play time experience.


Families First Home Educators Co-op

“Praising God by our Dedication, Education, and Cooperation”

Families First Home Educators Co-op (FFHE Co-op) is a cooperative of homeschool families in and around Daviess County. We believe being successful in Christian Homeschooling requires the utmost dedication from the parents and the students involved to seek out the best education we can provide utilizing efforts in cooperation from other like-minded Christian homeschoolers (our vision statement).

We work together to provide 12-week enrichment classes in the fall and spring semesters for students 2 years old through high school, as well as offering a staffed nursery for younger children. Our co-op currently meets one day per week. We encourage fellowship for the parents as well as the students. We are not only educating our children together, we are a family!

FFHE Co-op operates under the umbrella of the larger Families First Home Educators Association.  All Co-op participants are required to be members of the association. If you need financial assistance for this fee, FFHE has scholarships available.  

If you have any questions about FFHE Co-op and how to be a part of it, please visit our co-op website and/or FB page:



or send an email enquiry to:                   



Indiana Homeschool Requirements


Homeschool Law

Indiana law requires the following of all homeschoolers and other non-accredited, private schools:

·   180 DAYS OF INSTRUCTION: You decide which days your school will be in session, and how long to teach each day. In the case of mid-year transfers, days attended at the first school count toward the 180 day total at the homeschool.

·   ATTENDANCE RECORDS: There is no special form for these records, which are used to verify private school attendance. Please note that the law allows local public school superintendents to request copies of your child's attendance records to verify attendance.

·   INSTRUCTION EQUIVALENT TO THAT GIVEN IN THE PUBLIC SCHOOLS: State law does not define equivalency of instruction for public or private schools. If there is ever a question of educational neglect, keeping good attendance records and other documentation regarding attendance and continuing educational activity is highly instrumental in addressing these concerns.

·   CURRICULUM: State law exempts home schools from the curriculum and program requirements which public schools must follow.



Extra Helps (Not Required by Law):

Register your homeschool at


If you are teaching high school students please check out the General, CORE 40, and Core  40 plus requirements to give your children a well balanced curriculum that will prepare them for whatever their future holds. The Indiana Department of Education website has the list for you to plan out your curriculum. This is not a requirement just a starting place to help your children be the best they can be. Please see Indiana's Diploma Requirements at:


Although not a requirement, we encourage each family to keep at least basic curriculum records along with your attendance records as proof of your children's accomplishments. See Donna Young's website for planners, attendance records, and so much more.


Indiana Association of Home Educators


Home School Legal Defense Association

The Informer Magazine

The Teaching Home

The Old Schoolhouse Magazine

Southwest Indiana Home Educators

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